Be Patient

Under construction to suit the visual needs of the Deaf Blind and the sighted alike.

Meanwhile, work on some contributing articles, will you? I have not gotten one since my announcement requesting articles be sent in… don’t resort to apathy.

In other news, I would like for all of you to appreciate Black History Month. Humans have to recognize the successes and stories of those around us.

tactile luv.

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1 Response to Be Patient

  1. Janis says:

    You know, I feel the need to ask you something, if that’s okay. I’m hearing and learning ASL at the moment. I went to a Deaf coffee chat lsat night and there were two DB folks there; I had a lovely time talking with them, even if at a rudimentary level. I’ll need to learn to sign a lot better before I can talk with either of them or any of the Deaf people about anything but trivia, but it was really lovely to be able to bridge a communication gap face-to-face that I would have thought unbridgeable without e-mail.

    But I left wondering something, and I suppose this goes for blind people as well. You brought up Black History Month, and I recall thinking that it must be odd as a DB person to hear so much about black and white and to have it be utterly irrelevant but obviously so important for the rest of the world. Do you feel that you have an unusual view of color or ethnicity, since at this point in your life, you don’t really perceive it? Someone who was born blind might feel this more strongly, I suppose.

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